Street race victim dies,
drivers face charges
Source: KCRA Channel 3
Date: 2002/05/02

Calif. -- Counselors will be on
hand at Natomas High School Friday to help students cope with the death
of Marisol Torres.
16-year-old Natomas student was taken off life support late Thursday
night after being critically injured in a street race.
alleged race ended with a car slamming into a tree near Bridgeford Drive
and San Juan Road. Another driver reportedly fled the scene. Police have
arrested who they believe is the second driver, a 16-year-old boy. He is
being charged with hit-and-run and felony reckless driving.
said that one of the vehicles roared down the quiet neighborhood and
clipped a tree in front of a house Wednesday, throwing Torres from the
girl was wearing her seat belt, but it was ripped away and embedded in a
tree during the crash.
couldn't believe, you know, seeing a tree, a car hit a tree, and seeing
a young lady laying on the sidewalk in the street, and debris flying all
over the place, and a car turning two or three times before it came to a
stop. "I was like speechless," witness James Johnson said.
said the driver of the Ford Mustang, Ramon Martinez, 19, and the other
vehicle were speeding at an estimated 70 mph to 90 mph. Pieces of the
Mustang were scattered all over the street and on a house's lawn.
was taken into custody.
said both drivers are facing manslaughter charges.
Teen To Stand
Trial For
Alleged Street Racing Death
Family Calls For Firm Action

Calif. -- Five months ago, a
16-year-old was killed during an alleged street race in Sacramento. The
teen accused of driving the vehicle was told by a judge Thursday that he
must now stand trial.
Martinez's defense attorney refused to let his client answer any
questions, saying he tries his cases in a courtroom, not a hallway.
is accused of engaging in a nearly 70-mph chase through a North
Sacramento neighborhood last May, ultimately losing control and wrapping
his red mustang around a tree. A passenger in the vehicle, 16-year-old
Marisol Torres, was killed.
this nightmare could have been avoided had he just stopped and not made
the decision to race with the other person," said Torres' uncle,
Rodolfo Torres.
family is pleading with prosecutors to be firm with Martinez and to use
him as an example to stop other street racers.
they'll send a message to teenagers that if you commit a crime, you'll
have to pay for it. That's the way I see it," Rodolfo Torres said.
trial is set to begin in October.
Questions, comments and
criticisms can be directed to: Jeff
